You are valued, worthy and loved…

He fully loves you, and fully knows you. There are no hidden agendas, no malice or wrong intent, only love. He cannot operate in any other way towards us, other than in love, because that is who he is. God is love. – 1 John 4:16

Slow down…and listen to the beat of your own heart…

My soul, find rest in God;
my hope comes from him. – Psalm 62:5

It’s beautiful to be still in

the midst of a busy world,

allowing my mind

to slow down

just enough to

process each thought,

minute by minute

inhaling fully then

exhaling slowly

listening to the beat

of my own heart,

lulling me with peace.

—denise marie

*picture of me taken in Washington State.

Spirit lead me…

These images and video clips were taken last weekend in Seattle.

When I visit, I often have a need to go to the water. There is so much peace I find in its presence.

“Thank You God for making it possible for me to experience peace at all times. Because You gave us Your Son, I always have a way to know and experience You. There is nothing that can separate me from Your loving presence”.

– denise marie

Engulfed fully by his love…

It took me a minute to settle down and calm my anxiety, but once I did my words flowed.

Writing and reading my poetry is good for my soul.

Titled, “Engulfed fully by his love”. – denise marie

“So if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed”. – John 8:36

The beauty of a sunset…

A few years ago, I was standing here watching the sunset.

I could hardly contain the flood of emotions that took over me.

I felt so small in its presence, the vastness of the evening sky and the depths of the Pacific Northwest Sound had me honoring the Creator of such astounding beauty.

As I stood there, I was surrounded in peace, and immersed completely in Gods love.

– denise marie

“So if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed”. – John 8:36

Just keep standing…mental health awareness.

I just wanted to send a word of encouragement out to those who are feeling weary, feeling as if they have been fighting this battle for way too long. When the thought of standing up to the health challenges, loneliness, financial strain, grief, depression, anxiety, any circumstance or situation that may have you feeling like you can’t continue on. I want you to know that you are not alone. That there is hope and help is near.

There were many days in my life that if I could just believe that it was possible for me to “just keep standing” I could. To just keep standing wasn’t necessarily always physical but yet mentally and emotionally.

On those hard days, I would call a trusted friend or family member for support, or I would schedule an appointment with my therapist. I would attend a Recovery meeting when those memories of past trauma were just too much.

And…I would go to God in prayer and read His Word, one of my favorite chapters I would read daily is Psalm 91 in which I would literally say out loud, “God you are my refuge, I know that I can trust in you, you are my strength and I am safe.”

Today, my hope and prayer is that you can “Just keep standing”.

***For immediate help please call or text the following Mental Health & Crisis line at: 988

– denise marie💗

Your presence matters…

liberation…the act of setting free

YOU matter….

Even when you feel like no one notices or cares. Your presence on this Earth is important…your voice, your opinion, your ideas, your disappointments, your shortcomings, your accomplishments, your defeats, your best qualities and your worst character defects, your talents, your stories, your laughter, your hugs, your smile. Every aspect of YOU, is a gift to this world. You are valued, cherished and needed.

And even when it doesn’t always feel like it…

I encourage you to grab on and hold tight to this truth…YOU are loved…overwhelmingly loved, undeniably loved, forever loved.💗

~ denise marie

“So if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed”. – John 8:36